Monday, February 4th there will be a parent meeting for any Junior High student interested in Track & Field. 6pm in the OHS Commons!
Scores from tonight’s JH games with South Haven- JV girls South Haven 11 Oxford 7, Varsity girls South Haven 34 Oxford 16. JV boys South Haven 19, Varsity boys Oxford 44 South Haven 22.
Due to the potential for deteriorating road conditions as a result of the weather, there will be no games, practices, or after school activities tonight.
JH JV boys Oxford 11 West Elk 18 final
Oxford vs West Elk JH JV boys Oxford 9 West Elk 4 end of 1st half
JH JV girls Oxford 6 West Elk 13 final
Oxford vs West Elk JV Junior High girls End of first half Oxford 2 West Elk 7
SCBL men’s final score South Haven 40 Oxford 29
End of the third quarter South Haven 36 Oxford 22
SCBL boys halftime score South Haven 24 Oxford 15.
Congratulations to these SCBL academic all league scholars. Representing Oxford Madyson. #wildcatpride
SCBL girls final Udall 37 Oxford 25.
Girls SCBL halftime score Udall 18 Oxford 15
SCBL men’s basketball Oxford 26 Sedan 44 final
OHS Cheer Lets Go Cats!
End of 3rd quarter Oxford 20 Sedan 41 SCBL men’s basketball
Men’s basketball SCBL tournament Oxford 14 Sedan 31 halftime
SCBL tournament Men’s basketball Oxford 4 Sedan 15 end of 1st quarter
SCBL tournament Ladies Basketball Oxford 37 Sedan 51 final
Oxford 18 Sedan 46 end of 3rd quarter Ladies SCBL tournament